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Fig. 2 | Respiratory Research

Fig. 2

From: Impaired survival of regulatory T cells in pulmonary sarcoidosis

Fig. 2

Adequate expression of FoxP3, CD25 and CTLA4 on sarcoidosis circulating Tregs. FoxP3, CD25 and CTLA4 expression was determined on circulating CD25int-highFoxP3high Tregs of HC and SRC patients by flow cytometry. a–c. Mean fluorescence intensity of FoxP3 (a), CD25 (b) and CTLA4 (c). Mean fluorescence intensity was standardized to average expression in healthy control peripheral blood cells. Statistics: Horizontal lines indicate the median and significance was determined using a Mann–Whitney U test, * p < 0.05 ** p < 0.01. FoxP3 forkhead box P3, CTLA4 cytotoxic T lymphocyte antigen 4, HC healthy control, SRC sarcoidosis

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