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Table 1 Data gathered by the COPD assessment software (questionnaires not shown)

From: Accuracy of diagnostic registers and management of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: the Devon primary care audit

Demographic data

Weight, height and body mass index (BMI)

Spirometry results: FEV1 and FVC (litres and % of predicted) pre and post bronchodilator

Number of exacerbations in previous year

Number of antibiotics for respiratory tract infections in the previous 12 months

Number of oral steroid courses in the previous 12 months

Number of out of hours visits in the previous 12 months

Number of attendances of Accident and Emergency (A & E) in the previous 12 months

Number of hospital admissions in the previous 12 months

Number of bed days in the previous 12 months

Whether patient had an x-ray at the time of diagnosis or in the previous 5 years

Vaccination status (pneumococcus and influenza)

Current COPD medication: short and long acting bronchodilators, inhaled corticosteroids, mucolytics, other prescribed medications

Inhaler technique: good, moderate, poor

Use of nebuliser

Smoking history: age smoking started, date of cessation, average number of cigarettes per day

Whether patient had undergone smoking cessation treatment

Oxygen assessment and therapy, cor pulmonale, cyanosis

Pulse oximetry value

Attendance of specialist services: respiratory specialist nurse/physiotherapy in the previous 2 years, chest clinic in the previous 5 years, pulmonary rehabilitation ever