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Table 1 Demographic and clinical features of subjects in the study

From: AIDS patients have increased surfactant protein D but normal mannose binding lectin levels in lung fluid

Clinical feature


HIV infected (CD4 >200 cells/ul)

AIDS patients (CD4<200 cells/ul)

Gender M:F

17 : 2

8 : 2

6 : 1

Age, Mean (± SD), years

30 (9.9)

33.6 (9.4)

34.5 (7.2)

CD4+ T cell count, mean (range), cells/μl

606 (512–978)

493 (368–675)

149 (46–179)

Plasma HIV-1 load, mean (range) copies/ml


1.4 × 105 (0.008–4.0 × 105)

2.3 × 105 (0.3–6.6 ×105)

BAL Fluid HIV-1 load, mean (range) copies/ml


129 (0–670)


  1. Abbreviations: BAL = Bronchoalveolar Lavage, SD = Standard Deviation