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Table 3 Changes in Groningen Activity and Restriction Scale (GARS), Hospital Anxiety and Depression scale (HADS), and Medical Research Council (MRC)

From: Two-year home-based nocturnal noninvasive ventilation added to rehabilitation in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease patients: A randomized controlled trial


Change up to 24 months

GARS, total - points


   N+R - mean (95% CI)

0.6 (-1.9 to 3.4)

   R - mean (95% CI)

4.6 (2.3 to 6.9) †

   Adjusted difference in change - mean (95% CI)*

-3.8 (-7.4 to -0.4)‡

HADS, total - points


   N+R - mean (95% CI)

-0.2 (-3.4 to 2.7)

   R - mean (95% CI)

3.6 (1.3 to 5.9) †

   Adjusted difference in change - mean (95% CI)*

-4.0 (-7.8 to 0.0)‡

MRC - points


   N+R - mean (95% CI)

0.2 (-0.2 to 0.4)

   R - mean (95% CI)

0.6 (0.4 to 0.8) †

   Adjusted difference in change - mean; 95% CI*

-0.4 (-0.8 to -0.0)‡

  1. Data presented are mean changes (95% confidence intervals). * The differences in change are the treatment effects or between groups differences in change (95% CI), with adjustment for the baseline values. A negative outcome indicates benefit for the NIPPV + rehabilitation group compared to the rehabilitation group.
  2. GARS: Groningen Activity and Restriction Scale (score range from best (18) to worst (72)); HADS: Hospital Anxiety and Depression scale (score range from best (0) to worst (42)); MRC: Medical Research Council dyspnea scale (score range best (1) to worst (5)); N+R: NIPPV + rehabilitation group; R: rehabilitation group.
  3. †: p < 0.05, significant difference in change over time within a group or ‡ p < 0.05: significant difference in change between groups.