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Table 4 Protective effects of study treatments in repeated AMP provocations over the entire Test Day

From: Protective effect of budesonide/formoterol compared with formoterol, salbutamol and placebo on repeated provocations with inhaled AMP in patients with asthma: a randomised, double-blind, cross-over study






AUC9-17 - Borg



20.9 (3.7, 38.1)

134 (69.8, 198)

0.21 (-1.64, 2.07)


-6.4 (-25.0, 12.1)*

47.8 (-21.5, 117)

-0.55 (-2.55, 1.45)


-23.6 (-41.9, -5.3)$

-44.6 (-113, 23.8)#

1.47 (-0.50, 3.45)


-61.0 (-77.9, -44.0)$

-66.2(-130, 2.8)$

4.20 (2.37, 6.03) $

  1. Data shown as Geometric Mean and 95% confidence interval; AUC9-17: Area Under the Curve from 09:00 to 17:00 hours, covering three AMP provocations; changes relative to test-day baseline at 09:00 hours; FEV1: forced expiratory volume in 1 second; FEF25-75: forced expiratory flow between 25% and 75% of forced vital capacity; comparisons by ANOVA, differences compared to budesonide/formoterol: *p < 0.05, #p < 0.01, $p < 0.001.