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Figure 8 | Respiratory Research

Figure 8

From: Reverse mode Na+/Ca2+ exchange mediated by STIM1 contributes to Ca2+ influx in airway smooth muscle following agonist stimulation

Figure 8

KB-R7943 dose dependently relaxes pre-contracted porcine small airways. Averaged responses (n = 4 airways, 1 pig) of % relaxation induced by increasing doses of KB-R7943 (from airways pre-contracted with 1 μM ACh (panel A) or 10 μM HA (panel B). % relaxation was assessed by measuring the luminal area of the airway, normalised against the area of the fully relaxed airway (pre-stimulation) and contraction induced to the agonist. HA induced a contractile response which was 62.73 + 13.38% of that observed with ACh.

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