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Table 6 The role of leptin in asthma

From: The role of leptin in the respiratory system: an overview

Mechanism studied

Reference (year)

Main message

Main limitations

Structural changes

Bruno et al9 (2009)

Leptin/leptin receptor expression in bronchial epithelial cells is reduced in mild uncontrolled and severe asthma

Limited number of patients/Patients treated with corticosteroids

Animal studies

Shore et al117 (2003)

Increased response to ozone in ob/ob mice

ob/ob mice exhibit low lung size (potential mechanical bias)


Luet et al119 (2006)

Increased responses to ozone in db/db mice

db/db mice exhibit low lung size (potential mechanical bias)/Only female mice


Johnston et al121 (2008)

Mice with diet-induced obesity exhibit innate AHR

Control mice were overweight


Shore et al127 (2005)

Enhanced metacholine responsiveness in leptin-treated mice

Clinical relevance unknown

Clinical studies

Guler et al124 (2004)

Leptin is a predictive factor for childhood asthma

No adjustment for FM/Lack of correlation of leptin with PFT


Sood et al126 (2006)

Higher leptin in asthmatics

Asthma diagnosis based on self-questionnaire/No adjustment for FM

  1. Abbreviations: AHR: airway hyper-responsiveness, FM: fat mass, PFT: pulmonary function testing