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Table 2 Average ventilation, blood gases, blood lactate concentration, heart rate and perceived level of exertion during the 15-min hyperpnoea test in normoxia, hypoxia and hyperoxia

From: Effect of acute hypoxia on respiratory muscle fatigue in healthy humans





(l min-1)

159.3 (15.6)

158.1 (15.6)

159.5 (15.1)

fR (cycles·min-1)

54.2 (4.3)

54.2 (4.9)

53.7 (4.1)

VT (l)

2.95 (0.26)

2.93 (0.30)

2.98 (0.25)


0.48 (0.03)

0.49 (0.03)

0.49 (0.04)

PET CO2 (mmHg)

37.0 (2.1)

36.8 (1.7)

35.9 (2.3)

SpO2 (%)

98.4 (0.9)

79.3 (1.9) ***

98.9 (0.7)

PaO2 (mmHg) (n = 6)

123.7 (1.8)

46.0 (0.8) ***

347.9 (29.0) ###

PaCO2 (mmHg) (n = 6)

37.1 (1.2)

36.7 (1.1)

37.5 (0.8)

pH (n = 6)

7.42 (0.02)

7.42 (0.01)

7.40 (0.03)

[La] (mmol·l-1) (n = 6)

1.6 (0.4)

2.1 (0.7) +

1.3 (0.3)

HR (bpm)

98 (23)

99 (23) +

86 (16)

RPE (points)

6.0 (0.9)

5.8 (1.2)

5.2 (0.6)

  1. Values are means (SD). , minute ventilation; fR , breathing frequency; VT , tidal volume; Ti/Tt, ratio of inspiratory time to total respiratory cycle duration; PET CO2 , end-tidal CO2 partial pressure; SpO2 , arterial O2 saturation; PaO2 , arterial oxygen partial pressure; PaCO2 , arterial carbon dioxide partial pressure; [La], blood lactate concentration; HR, heart rate; RPE, rate of perceived exertion. *** significantly different from normoxia and hyperoxia (P < 0.001), ### significantly different from normoxia and hypoxia (P < 0.001), + significantly different from hyperoxia (P < 0.05)